Any Age. Any Fitness Level.
No Matter your age, experience, or background, Pilates is for you!
All sessions at Pilates at Port encourage correct posture, strong sleek bodylines, increased flexibility and agility, and a challenge to the mind. You will feel an inner and outer strength while moving with a grace you never thought possible. Pilates will put the “spring” back in your step. See who our clients are and the benefits.
Pilates for Beginners

Pilates is a system of exercises completed on the different pieces of apparatus Joseph Pilates created: the Reformer, Cadillac, Chairs, Barrels, and Mat. The beauty of Pilates is it can be tailored to your specific needs. Most of the exercises are done non-weight bearing while you work against the spring resistance. The exercises build over time in difficulty and execution, creating a true challenge to mind and body. Our highly trained instructors teach to the person in front of them, knowing when to challenge or when to simply focus on breathe and blood flow.
“Pilates has strengthened my core, and improved my flexibility. As a result, I am driving a golf ball further than I have in years.”
- Jeff Klein, client for 18 months
Pilates for Fitness

Pilates is a challenging form of exercise. It focuses on stretching, strengthening, and toning the entire body with each exercise initiating from one’s core. The spring resistance allows you to reach areas that you never knew you had. These “forgotten” muscle groups will not only strengthen and tone, but give you a better foundation for your back, hips, knees and upper body as well.
“I love Pilates because it’s improved the shape of my body, flexibility, and posture. Overall my physical and emotional well-being has transformed.”
- Kecia Kerr, mom/business woman client of 8 years
Pilates for Athletes

Pilates is the best way you can cross train for any sport. Most sports today create muscular imbalances in the body due to unilateral sports postures and movements. Tennis, golf, baseball, lacrosse, and softball for example, all rotate in one direction utilizing your dominant side. Rarely is the opposite side even practiced. Pilates can help you become aware of these imbalances. It will focus on creating a better foundation and core for your sport, leading to less chance of injury. Speed and agility will increase as you gain better control, strength, and flexibility. Pilates is also one of the few forms of exercise that work the intrinsic muscles of the feet, allowing for better acceleration and change of direction. We have worked with all types of athletes, high school and college level as well.
“Pilates has helped my speed, agility, strength, and overall control of my body.”
- Holden Goodman, Midfielder Lacrosse Player at James Madison University
Pilates for Dancers

Although Pilates was not made originally for dancers it is the dance community that embraced Pilates early on. All of the principles of pilates: Centering, Concentration, Control, Precision, Breathe, and Flow are required for any form of dance. The ability to control one’s movement and initiate from the center can set dancers ahead at any age. Pilates will help create the long lean look with greater flexibility and strength required for a healthy dancer. Quite a few of of our teachers have had a professional dance career, which is why they were drawn to the intelligence of the Pilates Method.
“Having studied the Pilates Method since I was an aspiring ballet dancer in my teens, I credit consistent Pilates training with the longevity of my career as a dancer and teacher. Pilates keeps my muscles strong and pliable, and keeps me injury free.”
- Jennifer Mayers Kreichman, Former Professional ballet dancer and adjunct Adelphi Dance Professor, client of 10 years
Pilates for Skaters

Olympic and International figure skaters have found Pilates in Port to cross train for their sport, and remained clients for many years. We have seen them grow up and flourish in their sport with minimal injuries. Once again the asymmetry of the sport leads to muscular imbalances adding to greater risk of injury. The strong core work and strict attention to alignment have helped skaters improve their jumps, speed, and coordination, not to mention flexibility. We also teach the skater how to properly warm up their hips, back, and knees through the Pilates mat exercises. Proper warm up is the key to an efficient training session and the health of the skater’s body.
"I trained with Tricia during my entire career as an elite figure skater, spanning over a dozen years. My Pilates training with Tricia was instrumental in developing the strength, flexibility, balance, and power required to allow me to compete and perform at a high level without suffering injuries common in the sport. Continuing Pilates has allowed me to keep skating and enjoy other physical activities and stay strong even after I finished competing."
- Emily Hughes, Olympic figure skater, client for 14 years
Pilates for Seniors

Our seniors at Pilates in Port are as dedicated to Pilates as our athletes. No matter age or fitness level, pilates can be tailored to your individual needs. Keeping the body strong and flexible in your senior years keeps the body young. Joseph Pilates said, “You are only young as your spine is flexible.” Loss of muscle tone and mobility are a normal part of the aging process. Pilates can allow you to gain strength and increase your range of motion in all areas of the body, without compounding the joints. See “What is Pilates” for more info.
“As we age, there is nothing more important than maintaining our physical strength, balance and flexibility of both the mind and the body.”
- Sherry Klein, Client of 8 years
Pilates for Kids

Pilates is a form of exercise and movement that requires focus and concentration. Children who are willing to have a better understanding of their body and proper movement have seen great benefits from Pilates. Children and their bodies are constantly growing and changing. Having a better sense of initiating from their core, having a balance of stretch and strength, prevents childhood injuries.
“Pilates training has provided strength and flexibility for my daughter who has been an avid softball player for 8 years. She has studied Pilates for the last 4. She is now 16, playing at the varsity and club level."
- William O’Donnell, father